Saturday, August 27, 2011


I had to blog about my latest and greatest obsession…


If you have never heard of it, I will give you the lowdown. Pinterest is a virtual pinboard. It's basically a visual bookmarking site. You can pin images of all the things you love onto personalized bulletin boards.

It consists of Bulletin Boards that you pin photos to with links attached.

Say there are several crafts you'd like to do. Instead of bookmarking them the "old fashioned" way, pin them to your Craft Bulletin Board in Pinterest. Then they're all right there, just a click away. You can see everything all at once.

Or there's a great recipe you stumbled across that you'd really like to try. Click on your Pin It button, it's a bookmarklet, that you installed on your bookmark, there are detailed instructions once you sign up,
click on the picture you want to pin,
then file it under whatever category you choose.

Then when your looking through your Recipe Bulletin Board, you can quickly see the recipe you want, click on that pin, and it will take you directly to the recipe.

I'll admit…I'm totally hooked.

Whoever thought this concept up is pure genius.

Have you ever been browsing through the internet and stumbled on something you really liked? Sure you can bookmark it, but let's be real…how many of us actually do that? Then actually remember to go back and find it!

I hate the conventional bookmarking. It drives me crazy and I never use it.

Another awesome concept of Pinterest is that you can see what your friends are pinning also. That really opens up your realm of great finds. It makes it easy to share recipes, craft ideas, photos, products, quotes, and a zillion other things!

I can't tell you how many awesome recipes, craft ideas, pictures and slews of other things I have come across from this site.

If you haven't checked it out, you should.

You do have to be a member to use Pinterest. You can request an invitation from Pinterest itself, or a friend can invite you.

I'm not sure how I got so lucky, but I requested an invitation from Pinterest and received it less than an hour later. I've heard of people waiting forever and not getting an invite.

If you'd like an invite, shoot me a comment or an email.


Melissa said...

Got me hooked too!

Angela said...

Can you send me an invite? Thanks.