Saturday, August 20, 2011

Back To Our Normally Scheduled Programming

Ahhh, I think we have finally made our way back to Normalville.


I think Richard was getting worried there. Poor man ran out of underwear. Now there's a crisis.

Phoenix is doing much better. After much research I settled on Blue Buffalo Longevity. We started that this past Tuesday, so it's almost been a week. He really seems to enjoy it. I've also split his feeding schedule. We do a late breakfast, then dinner. He seems to like being on a schedule. I am hoping that about 3 weeks from now we'll see a major difference in his allergies. They say it takes about a month. If no change, then we're off to the vet. Bad news for Phoenix! Hopefully they clear up.

As far as everything else, I'm just trying to make up for the past days of neglecting just about everything. I did finally go to the grocery store! Ha.

We've been trying to install the little shelves on the false front cabinets in the bathroom and kitchen. What a nightmare. They were supposedly easy to install. Pffft. We've only got 5 more to go.

I know I've neglected putting up pictures of the house. I had wanted everything done first, but let's face it…that's not happening. Between procrastinating and not being able to make up my mind we're in a slight standstill. I'll get pictures up as soon as I get some batteries for my nice camera. So we should expect that to happen, oh in 3 months or so. Heehee.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Poor Richard! Glad things have settled down.