Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Tale of Woe

Ughhhhh, it is HOT here! And SMOKY!!

The heat index is 100 degrees and I am miserable. There have been wildfires up here on and off for months now. It's been terribly smoky here for a little over a week I believe. It may have been two already. I can't remember. Everyone has been advised to stay indoors. That means being holed up in the house, and only running outside when absolutely necessary.

Phoenix is driving me insane. Prior to this nastiness the weather was beautiful. We could go outside for hours. Phoenix was in heaven. There was running, there was digging, there was sunbathing and general lounging. Now there is staring longingly out the window, smearing my glass with his wet nose. And clawing! Oh the clawing. I have tried keeping him busy, but there's just nothing like being outside. We've played hide and seek, I've thrown toys over and over, he's shredded his stuffies, he's chased cats relentlessly.

Phoenix is protesting, the cats are protesting, I am protesting, and the yard is protesting.

The yard is another woe. We spent a small fortune on sod, and it is not looking good. Half of the sod is already dying. I'm fixing to head down to A-1 sod and give them what for. We've been watering like mad because of all the heat and general lack of rain. Twice a day, every single day. I'm waiting for the water police to come banging on our door and cart us off to the prison for water wasters. Or slap us with a hefty fine. They'd be watering like mad too if they'd just spent an arm and a leg on grass.

Which leads me to another rant, why in the world is grass so ridiculously expensive???

Okay, I'm done whining now. I have to go clean my house, so I can make dinner, then schlep myself over to Walmart.

I'm going to try and find Phoenix a good toy that will keep him occupied. One of those treat dispensing toys that he will have to figure out.

For now, I'll chase him with the vacuum.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Awww, Phoenix needs to come and see Grandma! :)