Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sometimes work is fun...

Oh me. Today was an interesting day. Yesterday really stank as I was getting all the meanies, but today was a bit more fun. For some reason I kept getting the people who wanted to talk and talk and talk!
One older lady from California had called in for some diabetic supplies. She just could not stop talking about all kinds of things. I'd steer her back to why she called and she'd just get right back off track again. More than 15 minutes later I finally finished up the call.
She was telling me about her friend that went on a cruise for 3 months. Her friend wanted her to go with her but she said no as she could not see why on earth someone would want to be on a boat for 3 months. I agreed. She was making me laugh hysterically and telling me jokes. She must have thought me rather nice because she informed me that if I ever wanted to run away from home, that I had her address and could come visit her and we would travel the world. Oh gracious.
I also talked to Roy Rogers. Not the famous Roy Rogers, but of course! When he told me his name, he informed me, "It's true." He must get teased a lot!
Another call that made me laugh was actually a wrong number. When I answered, a gentleman with a thick Southern accent plowed into how he had bought two boxes of Cracker Jacks and neither one of them had but two peanuts in them! I guess he likes his peanuts!
Well, I can't remember any more fun calls. I'll keep you posted.
I don't know about you all but I'm looking forward to the weekend!


Angela said...

I'm like the man with the Cracker Jacks . . . I like plenty of peanuts also!!

Melissa said...

Sounds like you have some pretty interesting conversations!
Wonder who the Cracker Jacks guy was trying to call?!
Today when I was at work calling a pt., I got their answering machine, as I was leaving my message, instead of saying "this message is for"...I said "this marriage is for", and then I got that uncontrollable giggle where I couldn't leave my message for giggling so much! And, I couldn't even share it with my co-workers, as they were all with patients!

Emily said...

That's too funny. I asked him who he was trying to call and he said Cracker Jacks. Probably an 800 number on the box and he misdialed. I hate when people make me laugh. It's hard to regain composure sometimes!