Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I have sad news.

Monday afternoon I went out to check on the babies and made a horrid discovery. Something had climbed in the bush and killed my little Mockingbirds.

The bottom of the hedge was crushed. The nest had been torn out of the hedge, and was completely damaged. I found three of the babies, but never found the fourth. I didn't hear anything so I assume the last baby was also killed, probably carried off. There were feathers everywhere. Adult and baby feathers. I can't believe I didn't hear anything. It looked like Mommy and Daddy put up a good fight.

I have a fairly good idea of the culprit. We've had a nuisance cat hanging around from time to time. I always see it come from next door, so I am fairly certain it is hers. He likes to come over to our back porch and pee everywhere. He also likes to look in the window and drive my animals bonkers, and sit outside the sliding glass door and cry.

Next time I see him he is in for it. I hate when people let their animals run loose. We do have a leash law here, but some people just don't care. Last time he made a nuisance of himself Richard was going to call Animal Care and Control but being the nice person I am I talked him out of it because I didn't want the lady to lose her cat.

Next time around that cat is gone! If you're responsible and keep your pets contained you don't have to worry about losing them. And if your stupid enough to not put a tag on your animal so you can get them back if by chance they escape, then so be it. That's what you get.

I digress. So now I don't have babies to check on anymore. So very sad. Stupid cat.

In other news, what on earth were those jurors thinking??? Oh wait, they weren't. I was completely flabbergasted with their verdict.

I know I can't say for absolute certain that Casey Anthony did it. But that woman had guilt written all over her. Something was and is not right. If she didn't do it herself, I am telling you she knows what happened.

Cheney Mason is an idiot. It disgusted me watching his pompous self get up there and sound off. Gah, I had to get up and walk away.

And to add insult to injury, saying today justice had been granted for Caylee and Casey. There was no justice today. There was no justice in a guilty Mother getting a slap on the wrist. And there certainly wasn't any justice for an innocent little girl whose life was cruelly ended. Heartbreaking.

What I did find interesting was the obvious absence of Casey Anthony's parents in her little courtroom "celebration". She was surrounded by her ever giddy legal team, but Mom and Dad weren't anywhere to be found. Interesting.

I was so irked by the past couple days events that I rearranged my whole family room. I like it better this way. It's more functional and flows better.

I know this is out of left field. But I'm going to make some sugar cookies.


Angela said...

That is so sad about the baby birds!Do you know what kind of birds they were? The eggs were so pretty!

By the way, how did the sugar cookies turn out?

Emily said...

They were little Mockingbirds. I know, the eggs were pretty!
Cookies were delish!

Melissa said...

AWW, that is so sad!! I was anxious to see more pictures of the little babies!

Angela said...

your sugar cookies sounded so nice so I made some Whirligigs! The kids love those too!