Wednesday, September 24, 2008

P is For...

Comment and I’ll give you a letter. You’ll then have to list 10 things you love/ that are a part of your life and begin with that letter. After that, post this meme in your blog to give out letters of your own.

My letter is P

1. Phoenix - He's my beautiful Siberian Husky. I love him.
2. Pumpkins - They remind me of Fall. I can't wait to go pick some out!
3. Pregnant - It's what I am!
4. Pictures - Keep our memories from fading.
5. Perfume - One of my favorite accessories.
6. Presley - Elvis Presley...need I say more?
7. Peaches - Sweet and fuzzy and they taste oh so good.
8. P.S. I Love You - Has to be one of the best movies. I cried the whole way through.
9. Poetry - There's nothing like sitting down with a good book of poetry.
10. Peanuts - I'm addicted to them. I'll eat the whole can.

Let me know if you'd like to play!

Thanks Amy for giving me the letter P!


Melissa said...

Oh, and here I thought you picked out the letter P because you are pregnant!

Amanda said...

I found a life size talking and moving elvis head that i wanted to buy you but mom made me walk away!

Melissa said...

Thank goodness I was with you to make you walk away from a life size Elvis head!!!! She already has a life sized wolf head! And besides, I think Richard would be jealous!

Neugier said...

How fun! I enjoyed this little meme, glad you did also.

Congratualtions on the: BABY :D hey, there is nothing better than healthy and active!

Wishing you all the best.

Emily said...
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