Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Goings On

Hey All! I'm trying to be more consistent here in my blogging. I can't believe I actually used to blog every single day. Some other people I know need to blog more too. Ahem. Nudge nudge!

Anyhow, this week has been pretty good. It is about 70 degrees in Jacksonville this morning. Talk about gorgeous. It stinks having to be cooped up inside on a beautiful day. I had to coax Phoenix inside, he was quite happy sprawled out in the grass. When asked to come inside he looked at me as if to say "Are you nuts? I'm staying right here!"

Sunday was officially my last day of the progesterone. I've been doing better than I thought I would. Monday I got up and worked for about an hour, but then was feeling so sick I cut the rest of my shifts and went back to bed. I ended up feeling better that evening. I'm still getting nauseous from time to time. It is just kind of hit and miss. Hopefully it will be completely out of my system soon.

Tomorrow is the big ultrasound day! It's been a looong week! The days seem to drag by at times. We are so very excited about finding out how far along I really am, and especially what we're having. At our last appointment, Sharon asked if we wanted to know what we were having and she got two resounding yes's! A baby she replied. =)

So what else is going on? Well, I am anxiously awaiting the opening of the new Dunkin Donuts right down the street from us! Being pregnant I've missed my coffee. Mom and Amanda introduced me to their decaf iced coffee and now I'm hooked.

Richard and I will be celebrating our fourth anniversary on this day next week! It's hard to believe sometimes. This year has just flown by. The kitties will be celebrating their fourth birthday soon as well. My babies are growing up! =)

Speaking of my fur babies, here are some funny pics I took earlier this month.

Watching the fish!

He's fascinated. He especially likes to watch me feed him. He also likes getting into the shrimp and he's figured out how to open the bottle. Bad kitty.


Melissa said...

Wow! Sharon sounds like she has Richard's sense of humour!!
A Dunkin Donut's close to home! Not fair! But I had my Iced Vanilla Decaf with Creme this morning!
Silly animals!

Angela said...

I am going to try to stay up late enough to hear your news!! Don't delay posting!!

Amanda said...

ahhh that picture is great! silly animals