Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Birthday, Bad Sushi, and Botched Travels

Ahhh, so I'm finally getting around to actually blogging about something.

It's been a while.

Phoenix and I were supposed to leave on the 25th and head down to my parents for a few days. My Mom had taken a couple of days off of work and we'd all made plans. I was going to help out with some things, go to Maggiano's (yum), stock up on Lush (more about that in another post) and whatever else fit our fancy.

So Tuesday found me cleaning, doing laundry, and making sure Richard was prepared for the next few days of roughing it out on his own.

We had run some errands and stopped off at Publix to grab a few things before heading home. I was in a sushi mood and grabbed a crunchy roll on my way out.

I ate 3 or 4 pieces later that night, and Richard even tried a piece.

Sometime during the night I woke up with major indigestion. I tried papaya and it did little to ease my belly ache. I ended up on the couch and only got a couple hours of sleep in between running back and forth to the bathroom.

Wednesday dawned and with it a quick realization that I had contracted food poisoning. I don't ever remember feeling so horrible. I seriously wanted to die. It was pure misery.

I'll spare you all the gory details, and just say it was bad and I am never eating sushi again. I lost 10 pounds in less than 4 days. I guess that's what happens when you're living on gatorade, sprite, and toast.

My sweet husband was a trooper. You know you've got a keeper when he holds your hair and rubs your back in the thick of it. Not to mention the clean up, a cold washcloth, and saltine runs.

So needless to say my trip got postponed.

Poor Phoenix had a birthday in the midst of all the craziness. At least I had grabbed a package of Frosty Paws for him at Publix. So he had something to enjoy! I was able to snap a few pics of him in his birthday hat. You can check those out at his blog.

It took about a week, but I'm finally back to normal and sitting here with a shaky Phi. Our neighbors were celebrating the Superbowl with fireworks, thus a very nervous dog. Poor thing, he gets so anxious.

He turned 9 this year! I seriously can't believe it has been so long. My little boy is getting old.

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