Sunday, May 1, 2011


Have I ever mentioned just how much I hate Craigslist??? Well here it is.

I HATE Craigslist.

It drives me bonkers. I don't know if it's just me, but I have a terrible time trying to sell anything on there. I can't even give stuff away! In all this moving process we've had quite a few things that we needed to sell. I've had a brand new gas range that I've listed on there three times. It sells for well over $400 at Home Depot, I'm only asking $300. I had an offer today for $250. It's brand new, it's still in packaging! I understand bartering, I do it myself. Okay, I have Richard do it for me. Haha. He's much better at it. However, I think there's a huge difference between bartering and just being ridiculously cheap!

My husband listed a free landscaping rail. It's beautiful, but he hates it. I had tons of people call, so I started setting up pickup times, and they wouldn't show. This happened over and over and over.

Seriously, what do you have to do to get rid of your stuff without a massive headache?

Anyone know of another way to sell your items aside from a garage sale? Those I loathe even more than Craigslist!

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