Friday, April 22, 2011

Human Again

I'm back! I am finally feeling human again. It's been a looong two weeks since all this tooth trouble started. I had my tooth pulled almost two weeks ago, and am almost pain free. It was an easy extraction, for which I am thankful. I had a lot of pain afterwards, and was on vicodin until it stopped working. It wasn't easing the pain, so I took another just one hour before I was supposed to, which I should not have done. My bp dropped quite low and royally freaked me out! All is well though. I switched to ibuprofen and it's worked like a charm.
Unfortunately, all the tooth troubles didn't aid in getting the house pulled together. Everything came to a screeching halt. BUT, I am back, feeling good, and this house will be finished soon, and pics will be up!
I've been dreading opening more boxes as it seems that so many of my things have been broken in the move. Thankfully it hasn't been anything too bad, but aggravating all the same. The worst was my dinner plates. Someone had dropped that box good because all my plates were shattered. Good thing I had bought another set!
I've always prided myself on being a good packer. The past two times we've moved, not one thing has been broken. I guess it was saving it all for this move. Ha! I guess I shouldn't be so prideful eh?
Speaking of unpacking, I better get to it!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

This is where I heard about your dishes breaking! Couldn't remember if you told me or what!