Saturday, April 2, 2011

The House

Things are coming along on the house! Richard and I made a pact that we would take things slowly and not stress about getting everything done in a hurry. So we're takin it slow…maybe a bit too slow! Hahah. This past week I kind of took some time off from unpacking. It was a welcome break. I'd about had it unpacking boxes. I think I'm ready to get back to the grind though. I am excited to get my decorative items out, and get the house looking all cute for Spring/Easter.

I know some of you are itching to see pics of the house. Here's a teaser photo for you. Haha.

It's not the best pic, but it's the only one I have for now. It was taken before we moved in. Home sweet home. We took photos of the entire house prior to closing, so I want to do before and after photos. It may take a while!
We finally emptied out the storage unit. It was so weird not to have anything in there anymore. It had housed all of our possessions since September!
This week we had the last of our appliances delivered. The washer and dryer. For the first time in about a year or so I was able to pick up my dirty clothes and walk down the hall to the laundry room instead of loading everything up and heading to the laundry mart. It felt so good! We definitely learned not to take the little things for granted whilst staying in the hotel. We also learned that we can get by with much, much less than we ever thought possible!!

Maybe I'll get pics up of the kitchen sometime this week. It's the room closest to being completely finished!

Hope you all have a fabulous Sunday!


Melissa said...

Pictures, please!

Angela said...

Your house looks beautiful!