Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Funny Thing Happened Today...

I've been wanting to blog about some work experiences for some time now. I had such funny calls today that I thought I would go ahead and start blogging about them.
For those who don't know, I work out of my home office as a teleservices agent. Just for the sake of privacy of everyone involved that's as far as I'll go. Basically I answer the phone all day for different companies.
I had a Spanish gentleman call today. It was a wrong number. He was only one number off. What struck me as funny was that he said "Oh, it looked like a 5...I'm sitting in the dark." I don't know why but it struck me as funny.
Another man called for a diabetic kit. He was elderly and hard of hearing. I asked him for his phone number, and he replied "Are boiled peanuts good for you?" That gave me the giggles. It's hard to maintain composure sometimes!! We talked about that for a few moments and then he was on his merry little way.
Not all callers are fun and polite. I get so many nasty people. One lady called in today for a free item. I asked for her address and she got pretty nasty with me and wanted to know why on earth I needed all this information! Well, if you want it sent to you I need your address. Hello??? It's not like I'm asking for your social security number and your mother's maiden name!
This call happened a long time ago when I first started working. An elderly man called a number for country music CD's. He didn't want the CD's he just wanted a songbook. He informed me that he was 92 years old and he just wanted to yodel. We went around and around. He just couldn't understand why I couldn't send him a songbook so he could yodel! After all he was 92 years old and he just wants to yodel! You would have thought it was the end of the world.
That's all I've got for now. I'm supposed to be cooking dinner anyways!


Melissa said...

The joys of working! At least they make you laugh!
I like the story of the man who wants to yodel...I have told that story to several people at work!

Angela said...

Glad that job worked out for you!!

Amanda said...

I think that we should all go learn how to yodel!

Emily said...

That could be scary.