Wednesday, March 9, 2011

We Closed!

After nine long months our house hunting journey is finally over! This past Friday we closed on our house, and so begins the journey of home ownership.
The past nine months haven't been a whole lot of fun, but looking back, I am happy with where they brought us.
In June of 2010, we found out our rental was being put up for sale. I immediately started looking for another, and we decided to look into buying. We found one pretty quickly, but it fell through.
We kept looking, and found a beautiful condo that we fell in love with. Everything was looking good, we were about to close, and had moved out of our rental and into a hotel for what we thought would be a week. Then the foreclosure sales were frozen, and thus began another long wait. In January, we got word that foreclosure sales were going again, and we would close soon. A few weeks later, on what would have been Grace's 2nd birthday, we found out the HOA for the condo was in massive debt, and our loan was promptly dropped. That one took a while to get over.
We immediately started looking again. Our poor realtor was such a trooper. We drug him all over Jacksonville! If you ever need a good realtor, I have got an awesome recommendation! We found a beautiful house in the southern tip of Duval county, and after a little debate put an offer in.
Obviously the third time was the charm. Everything flowed easier, and we closed on March 4th.
We were in a hotel for almost 5 months! It's still hard to believe! We realized that there are many, many things one can learn to live without.
We are extremely happy to be in our own home, and feel blessed beyond measure.