Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happy Birthday To Us

December 7th Richard and I both celebrated our birthdays. For anyone who doesn't know, my husband and I were both born on December 7th. It's kind of nice sharing our birthday!
It's fun to see people's faces when they realize we have the same birthday.
We spent our birthday morning sleeping in. We finally got up and around and headed to Panera for a late breakfast. We then went to Target and did a little shopping. We mosied around St. Johns Town Center and then finally headed to Firehouse Subs for lunch. If you sign up on their website they send you a coupon for a free sub on your birthday. We then headed to the theatre and watched "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas". It was very good...made me cry, but it was good.
Afterwards we went home and changed into warmer clothes, then headed to Adventure Landing and played mini golf. It was cold, but a lot of fun! I started out nicely, thought I was going to win for once, then completely lost it! We finished the evening at Coldstone Creamery. I discovered that Cheesecake Fantasy is my new passion. Yum it was good. Gracie liked it too! We ended up back at home and ordered a pizza later. We had a nice birthday together.

Richard worked all day Monday and I puttered around the house taking care of odds and ends. We ended up at Walmart later that night and he got something to fix the tree. So we finally have a whole Christmas tree!

I had finished off my Floradix Sunday and decided to see if I could go without it. Big mistake. I've only been off of it for two days and I am completely worthless. I slept most of the day! We went and got more this afternoon so hopefully it will kick in soon. Cuz I'm tired!

Unfortunately with my pregnancy brain I forgot to take a camera along on our birthday. I also completely forgot that I have a camera on my phone. So no pictures. I do, however, have some lovely pictures of the fur kids! Ha. Yes, I know what you're thinking. "If they take this many pictures of animals how many will there be of Gracie??" A lot...a whole heck of a lot.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Sounds like a fun day! Now your Dad wants to see "The Boy in the STriped Pajamas."
Now I understand why FeFe was so nervous on his trip! hehe