Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Colds, Turkies & Christmas Trees

I'm not sure how this happens. I seem to lose track of time and before I know it, it's been ages since I've blogged.
Things have been busy around here. I'm still stuck in November. It's hard to believe it's December and Christmas is right around the corner. I don't know why, but it doesn't feel like Christmas.
I had an interesting Thanksgiving. Unfortunately I was miserably sick. I had been in the nursery at church the prior Sunday and picked something up in there. This isn't the first time this has happened. I managed to do okay until Wednesday night. Driving down South I started feeling nasty. By Thursday I was miserable. I couldn't taste or smell. So much for Thanksgiving dinner! I was NOT a happy camper! LOL! Friday was the same. It was the first time ever that I did not go shopping. I was even more unhappy. Richard, on the other hand was on cloud nine! They rented a Harley for him and he and my Dad went riding! You should have seen him, he looked like a little boy on Christmas morning! Unfortunately I have no pictures. Thankfully Mom and Amanda got some.
Later on, Mom came to the rescue and brought home some Zicam. I could finally breathe! Sweet relief.
Saturday night we went to the River House to celebrate Dad and Mom's anniversary. On the way home we stopped at BabiesRUs, and then stopped by Amanda's dorm room so I could check it out. We had an interesting episode with a bug. LOL!
Sunday evening was spent playing Taboo. We had fun. Belly hurt laughing fun. Bottom chairs and straight jackets fun. Please don't ask. LOL!
Monday came way too soon and we had to head back home. Once we were back in Jacksonville I took advantage of the rental and got my grocery shopping done!
Phoenix must have really been worn out because he slept the rest of the day. He didn't even want treats! He and Ella had too much fun. Now he misses her!
Tuesday and Wednesday passed in a blur. Richard yanked down the Christmas tree. It was brand new and we had put it up last year just to make sure it would work in the house. The top broke when we were taking it back down last year. Why we didn't take it back I don't know. Actually it probably had a lot to do with the fact that we had gone through 3 or 4 trees for one reason or another. He was sick of returning them. Now it's too late. So it sat half put together in the living room. He rigged it for me and I went to put ornaments on it tonight, only to have it snap off. I'm feeling kind of scroogey. Ha. I had serious thoughts of just tossing it back in the garage and not having a Christmas tree. Especially since two hoodlum cats can't keep themselves from chewing on it! Anyone want two cats?? Just kidding.
On to a happier note. I had a baby appointment this morning. Gracie is doing just fine. Oh by the way, we have officially named her! After much debate. Mommy won out! Teehee. I had been smitten with Gracie for a very long time. Thanks to Ben Folds. The song is in my playlist...take a listen. Richard was completely opposed and hated it. Even though I used his Mother's middle name Lee. It seemed everyone else liked it except for him. I had decided to just leave it alone and figured we'd eventually figure something out. Finally in the middle of the grocery store one night he decided he liked it...except her official name had to be Grace. He didn't think she'd like Gracie once she was all grown up. Fine...just know I'm calling her Gracie...forever. =) So Gracie Lee it is.
Gracie is a very happy baby, so says the midwife. She kept wiggling while we listened to her heartbeat. And Mommy didn't gain too much weight after she is very happy!
Since I haven't put any pics in for a while, and promised a picture of the leaf "bowl" here are some. These are my Thanksgiving crafts.

The leaf bowl was a ladies church craft. The turkies I did for place settings at Thanksgiving.


Melissa said...

Are you sure you posted this yesterday? I didn't see it earlier today!
I have been anxious to see the leaf bowls...I still want to see it in person. Leave it out til we come next time!
So, what did you end up doing with the Christmas tree? Was Richard able to fix the top so it would stay on?
Glad Gracie is doing OK.

Lynn Ann said...

I know what you mean about it "not feeling like Christmas." Is it really December already?!!!
The turkeys are really cute!
Did the midwife ask you to start kick counts yet?