Saturday, November 8, 2008

I'm Still Here

It's been quite a while since I've blogged. I'm still here. Tired...but here!

A lot has been going on since I last blogged. Dad, Mom and Amanda were here for a weekend. We enjoyed ourselves. After they left I caught Richard's cold and we were both sick for a while. So basically nothing got done around the house!

We are both better and back to somewhat normal.

Last week some of the ladies from our church had craft night. We made fabric leaf bowls. I made two of them. Naturally had help with the sewing! Me and sewing machines don't mix. Ha. I'm looking forward to our next craft night. We're making some kind of gingerbread pots.

I had another appointment this past Friday with my midwife. The baby is nice and healthy! She's got a good heartbeat and very active. I had my glucose test and my blood sugar is well. No gestational diabetes for me! They also tested my hemoglobin, which was too low. This explains a lot. I've been extremely tired. I blamed it on being sick and then the weather. It just seemed like I had no energy and I slept all the time! So now I am taking Floradix. Hopefully I will start feeling better soon!

Today I am at 24 weeks. It's so hard to believe that I'm this far along already. Time has just flown by so quickly. I've got a big prego belly. Richard enjoys poking fun at me! He's fascinated with all of this. She likes moving around and poking me non stop. She's quite the night owl as well. We're waiting for her to start kicking hard enough to see from the outside. He's already informed me that it's quite strange!

I've been in the nesting mood for the past couple of weeks. The house has been torn apart! I've been cleaning and organizing everything. It's funny being pregnant.

Anyways, that's it for now. I need to go clean. =)


Melissa said...

Awww, I want to see your leaf bowl! It sounds neat! Post a picture on here.

Low HGB. Red meat..liver! Don't you remember when I used to fix liver and onions where you were little? We told you it was steak and you gobbled it up like it was delicious! You could always pretend it is steak again! ha

Emily said...

I know, I was too lazy to post one. I'm still tired!
Blech. You can have the liver. I'd rather drink the liquid iron than eat that stuff. Yuck!

Angela said...

Don't forget to post a picture of your leaf bowl!

Lynn Ann said...

Is Floradix a liquid iron supplement? I wanted to ask my midwife about it...